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Difficult moments are an invitation to slow down, be present, and be gentle with yourself.

They often remind us to not take life for granted.

They usually create a space in which we can feel the “undesired” emotions that we would normally suppress.

Like a flower growing up from the depths of darkness in the Earth, these moments are part of us growing into who we are meant to be.

It’s normal to sometimes feel frustrated by these experiences, or to feel stuck, sad, overwhelmed and/or exhausted.

It is so important to practice self-care.

Take slow deep breaths every once in a while.

Try to eat well.

Get enough rest.

Make time for simple pleasures that bring you joy. Play is one of the greatest relievers of stress!

Remember that nothing lasts forever, the seasons ebb and flow and so do the ups and downs of life.

The difficult moments make us even more grateful for the beautiful ones.



“Trust life, and it will teach you, in joy and sorrow, all that you need to know.”

- James A. Baldwin


This is a photo that I took of one my mom’s sunflowers recently. 🌻

Sunflower growing tall with blue sky



May you always feel the love that surrounds you.


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