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I have been going through my old Sprouting Lotus blogs and starting the process of compiling them into a book. I decided to read Tend to the Love in Your Heart during my livestream tonight. I originally wrote it on May 27, 2022.

I replaced the original heart-shaped flower photo with one that I took this morning.

I hope the words resonate with you and inspire you.


Tend to the Love in Your Heart

“If you tend to a flower, it will bloom, no matter how many weeds surround it.”

- Matshona Dhliwayo


In my life, I have learned that there is LOVE even on the dark days.

In fact, the darkest days often come to remind us to ignite the light of LOVE in our hearts.

You and your LOVE are here to brighten the world.

If you tend to the flower of LOVE in your heart, it will bloom, no matter how many weeds of anger and fear surround it.



As I was walking this morning,

I noticed this heart-shaped bunch of hydrangeas.

It felt like the perfect photo to go with this post.

Come join and share your heart finds if you'd like!


May you always feel the love that surrounds you.


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